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Awards & Testimonials

We Have Been Nominated….

16th June 2011

We are thrilled to announce we have been nominated again for BEST STATIONERY category in THE PERFECT WEDDING AWARDS 2011 We have been shortlisted from 37 Stationers within the industry and made it down to the last five (hoorah!!) and you can now vote for us online here. You will also be entered into the draw to win a relaxing stay for two at Titanic Spa, the UK’s forst Eco-Spa. Good luck ! VOTE NOW These awards really mean alot to us as they are voted by yourselves our customers, and the magazine readers, so we really do appreciate you taking the…

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Win a meal for two – Wedding Ideas Awards 2011

4th November 2010

We are thrilled to announce we have been nominated for the ‘Wedding Ideas 2011 Awards’ in theBest Stationerycategory and we would be delighted if you would spare a minute to vote for us! Every vote counts so please log on towww.weddingideasawards.comand follow the promts. It will only take a couple of minutes to complete (you will be asked to pick your favourites from each category) and remember to selectThe Hummingbird Card Company in the Stationery section. These awards are very well regarded within the industry and we would be over the moon to receive one…so please help us achieve this! Thank…

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We Won!

5th January 2010

We are totally thrilled, and over the moon, to announce that… WE WON BEST WEDDING STATIONERY CATEGORY in the Perfect Wedding 2010 Awards! We are chuffed to bits! We will befeatured in the next issue on sale 27th january www.perfectweddingmag.com What a great way to start the year! A huge THANK YOU to all our customers and followers that voted for us, we really appreciate your support!

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We have been nominated…

1st December 2009

We are totally honoured to be nominated in the categoryBEST WEDDING STATIONERY in thePERFECT WEDDING AWARDS 2009 We are up against some of the best in the business, and we are honoured to be down to the final few. Please vote for us

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