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COVID-19 Info for Hummingbird Cards Customers

As all our thoughts are on the COVID-19 situation, we wanted to share an update on how The Hummingbird Card Co. is responding to the current situation.

The safety and health of our company employees, our customers and our amazing dedicated associates and suppliers are always of the utmost importance to us.

We’re pleased to say that our excellent service levels are currently unchanged, however, we’re also aware that the outbreak is a rapidly changing situation and is complex and evolving so our plans may change and if they do we will let you know. We may have to restrict or suspend studio visits and appointments but we will keep you posted and hope to bring you lots of inspiration and new designs at this difficult time.

None of our employees has been tested positive for COVID-19 and we are staying well informed of the developing situation and are following the advice and recommendations from the Government, Public Health England and the World Health Organisation. We will continue to be stringent with hygiene and cleaning regimes including thorough frequent hand washing and we have increased our cleaning in the studio particularly the areas touched regularly by team members. To help minimise the spread of the virus, I will ask any team member with flu-like systems to self-isolate for 7 days.

Our friend Helen over at Helen Eriksen Weddings has set up a wonderful and super supportive helpline for brides and grooms. A new Wedding Clinic service to support and guide you through this difficult time when planning your big day using both her background knowledge as a former Lawyer and her now wedding planning service. You can email her at hello@heleneriksenweddings.com to book an appointment.

Please keep in touch through email and our social media, we’re here to help.

Look after one another and keep well.


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