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Diamond Wedding Lockdown Hero

Throughout lockdown, we all have our own personal and incredible stories of how someone has come to the help of another.

I was so touched by one of these stories, an amazing act of kindness to help a couple get their 60th Diamond Wedding Anniversary cards, it is such a lovely tale to tell!

During lockdown, I was contacted by a gentleman who had an idea to surprise his wife. Myra & Peter were not going to be able to celebrate their special anniversary of 60 years of marriage with friends and family, but Peter had a surprise plan for his wife. The idea was to send them all a card on their anniversary with 2 photos of the couple, 60 years apart. He had found our laser cut diamond wedding anniversary cards while searching online and the call came to order 80 of our cards.  I leapt at the chance to help, what a truly romantic idea and if we could help, we would.

Peter had thought of everything and instantly sent the photos and wording. Thrilled to be involved, I listened to the plans he was hatching with us and those he was organising to ensure they received a letter from the Queen. After several calls, the cards were made, packed and sent. Peter, a true romantic was informed of the next day delivery, but this is when it all started to fall apart!

The next day came and went, and the important parcel was not delivered. Time was tight to get the cards written and posted! Peter called me the following morning to let me know, he’d tracked it online and it was still at the depot. Not out for delivery. My heart sank, after all the planning it may all be a waste of time.

The parcel had been sent with Parcel Force and as Peter said, it was still at the depot. We were acutely aware of the immense pressure the postal and courier services were under, but I thought I’d make a call to see what, if anything could be done!

We all know how long we can wait on one of these calls, but getting through to a Parcel Force advisor, was such a relief, sadly time was running out. I explained the whole story, with fingers crossed, I hoped beyond belief that the parcel of 80 little goodies could somehow be delivered that day. I know… a big ask!

The call came back, but sadly, the very kind and helpful lady from Parcel Force said she’d spoken to the Norwich depot but all drivers had left early that morning and were not due back until late in the afternoon, she would, however, make sure that it was out for delivery the next day. Feeling rather deflated I made the call to Peter, I was devastated for him, the next day delivery would be too late for him to write the cards and envelopes and get them in the post. Peter understood, he knew everyone was struggling to work in these strange and difficult times, but I could hear in his voice how disappointed he truly was.

Early next morning I tracked the delivery and couldn’t quite believe my eyes, the parcel had been delivered the night before! How did this happen? A call to Peter who explained a driver had heard their story and decided to make the hour round trip, to get the parcel to him and his wife. Peter had stayed up late that evening to secretly write each and everyone, his wife had gone to bed early so well into the early hours of the morning he worked until all our little laser cut cards were ready for the post. You see, Myra still didn’t know about his truly romantic plan and everything that had happened.

OK, so there were tears! I was so relieved. Wow, what a rare and lovely thing to do, for a couple the driver did not even know. I, unfortunately, didn’t have a number for the Parcel Force advisor, but she called later that day so I could thank her for passing this true love story call for help onto the Norwich depot.

To this day I do not know who this incredibly thoughtful driver was, who made that remarkable journey to deliver the cards, but from all at Hummingbird and on behalf of Peter and Myra we want to say a great big ‘THANK YOU’! Not on;y are you an amazing keyworker throughout lockdown but you’re a hero having saved the day to get the cards to Peter & Myra… just in time!

And to Peter and Myra we want to wish you an incredibly happy year celebrating 60 years of marriage and we hope you can celebrate with all your friends and family soon.




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